Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Guardian

The Guardian
Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas Sparks never fails to captivate his audience with just the perfect amount of sweet and suspense. In this story Julie is ready to move on from the loss of her husband, who left her an amazing gift when he died. Now that she is ready to take the next step she has two men to choose from. Will she choose her happiness and true love or will she make the wrong choice? And what consequences will her decision bring? Murder and tragedy fill this novel and in the midst of it all a true hero immerses. One who has always been there to protect and love her....

Grab your tissue boxes and be prepared to cry, Old Yeller has nothing on Singer....

"Suprising...hair-raising...Thanks to the spiced-up suspenseful new recipe, readers will be in for a little heat"
-Denver Post

Charlie St. Cloud

Charlie St. Cloud
Ben Sherwood

This book was a beautiful, heartwarming and tragic book, with an amazing twist. I read it in a day. I just couldn't put it down. It's an amazing dream about life after death and I can only pray that there is some truth to it.
I cried twice during this book and I can't wait to see the movie when it comes out this fall on DVD.
Ben Sherwood is a new add to my list of authors, I'm excited to read more of his novels.

The Rescue

The Rescue
Nicholas Sparks

Good book but not close to one of my favorites. This one took me a month to read. Didn't really captivate me until about chapter 20.

Favorite Part:
"People come, people go, they'll drift in and out of your life almost like characters in a favorite book. When you finally close the cover the characters have told their story and you start up again with another book commplete with new ones, not the ones from the past."

Melissa talking about raising 4 boys - "Sure you could say its easy. All you have to do is wake up early get the paper and read it, leisurely, while drinking tequila shooters"

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